Hello, I would like to create assets based on a ya...
# ask-community
Hello, I would like to create assets based on a yaml file which includes a list of api endpoints, instead of defining them explicitly one by one. I've had a look at
but I want the assets to be all independent. Seems like best is to get inspired from the way dagster_dbt loads assets using the manifest.json and find a way to return a
from this yaml file. Could you think of an alternative method, or perhaps some pointers/safeguards that could be useful? Many thanks !
dagster bot responded by community 1
dagster bot answered by content 1
Here's a github discussion on this topic with a couple examples of how to do this - https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/11045
that's brilliant thank you so much 🙏🏼 @Zach