Hi Team, Trying to use the DBT CLI resource as sh...
# ask-community
Hi Team, Trying to use the DBT CLI resource as shown in the docs here, but suddenly running into a ton of breaking issues: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-dbt#resources-dbt-core It doesn't seem to have a
method implemented which is required by the built-in test Op
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterExecutionStepExecutionError: Error occurred while executing op "dbt_test_op":
The above exception was caused by the following exception:
AttributeError: 'DbtCli' object has no attribute 'test'
Using the built-in
run config also tries to apply the flag to the CLI as
instead of
which returns an error when trying to run models.
According to the docs
was deprecated in favour of
, However in the base the former seems to already be removed?
What's going on here, what should I be using?
Example run config returning the full refresh error
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      full_refresh: true
https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/89d41d71fb271c914e9c4e149c6187e005ec745[…]/python_modules/libraries/dagster-dbt/dagster_dbt/asset_defs.py According to the doc_string here the behaviour of passing in the python args directly to the CLI is causing this to break.
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"""Keyword arguments to pass to the underlying dbt command. Additional arguments not listed in the schema will
    be passed through as well, e.g. {'bool_flag': True, 'string_flag': 'hi'} will result in the flags
    '--bool_flag --string_flag hi' being passed to the dbt command.
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Usage: dbt build [OPTIONS]
Try 'dbt build -h' for help.

Error: No such option: --full_refresh Did you mean --full-refresh?
@rex would you mind taking a look at this question?
Managed to get around this by passing
full-refresh: true
to the run config, but this is not the documented way it should work.
Hi Greg, this was an oversight. We can get
(formerly known as
) to work with the existing out of the box ops. In general, if you want to use the resource, we recommend that you just create your own `@op`’s that invoke
since it gives you more control. There was an issue with this in the current release, but it was fixed this week with our 1.4.0 release.
Does this also fix the run-time config?