It would be helpful to see nonstandard tags in the...
# dagster-feedback
It would be helpful to see nonstandard tags in the runs list. I think tags were shown previously. They're a nice way to distinguish different runs. We also use a free-form
tag to explain off-schedule runs, and it's especially nice to have that visible at a glance instead of clicking into each run.
I also thought this was an unfortunate regression - I get that you can filter for specific tags, but you might not always know exactly what tag you're looking, and you lose a lot of context by having to filter to specific values instead of being able to see tags across runs at a glance. It's especially glaring on a wide-screen monitor when you end up with a huge amount of whitespace there where the tags would fit perfectly (and used to)
@dish @josh was this intentional as part of the runs list changes?
I believe so, though Josh will have more context on it
Hey guys. This was an intentional change when we redesigned the runs list. We made this change because some users reported that it was frustrating to have to sift through a large pile of system tags just to see the schedule, sensor, or partition targeted for each run. Tags like "agent id", "agent label", and "image" are often so long that they caused each table row to fill a ton of vertical space. We prioritized certain tags so that they show up in the table more prominently (like partition and user) and hid the rest within the dialog to allow us to fit more run rows within the viewport. With all that said, I think we could do a much better job of prioritizing the user-supplied tags, like the
tag in the screenshot. I agree that we should always show those. On larger monitors, where density is less of an issue, it probably makes sense to just always show all tags as well. Thanks for the feedback @Mark Fickett and @Zach. We'll do another iteration here and hopefully make this a better experience for y'all. 🙏🏻
Thanks Josh! I agree it's nice to have the long system tags hidden. Looking forward to the next iteration!
👍🏻 1
Yeah totally understand where the change came from, appreciate the context. I'm sure it's tough balancing feedback from different users who have different needs. Thanks for being receptive though!
💜 2
Hey! I just wanted to add my 2 cent, and mention my team has also found the inline tags as they were shown before to be very useful I also totally understand it's not easy to balance everything and appreciate the reasoning 🙂
Thanks for the feedback @Maxime Lenormand. The good news is that we have a resolution in the works. Soon we will display all user-provided tags by default AND each user will be able "pin" or "unpin" specific tags so you have full control over which ones appear in the table.
thank you box 1
dagster yay 2
🎉 1
Just saw the new feature in Dagster Cloud. It picked the right defaults, and is easy to change. Thank you!
🌈 1
Awesome! Thank you for the feedback and patience on this