Hello, I have a question regarding the Ingress cre...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hello, I have a question regarding the Ingress created by the Dagster Helm Chart. Currently all services which are exposed using Dagster Helm Chart are exposed via a single Ingress resource which define multiple routes. This choiche is creating some problems in my deployment. I trying to deploy Dagster with a readOnly dagit (WebServer) instance, I am using oauth-proxy and Keycloak to secure the access to DagsterWebService while I would like the readOnly WebService to be accessible without authentication. The problem is that using nginx Ingress-Controller is not really possible to have this control over which route defined in a ingress should be using authentication. Authentication is configured using annotation on the ingress resource and hence it is common to all the routes defined in tha ingress. Is there a solution which would not require me to create a ingress for the readOnly dagsterWebservice myself? Would it be possible in the future to modify the Helm Chart so that the dagster-webserver and dagster-webserver-read-only are exposed using two different ingresses?
Can you open a github issue for this request?