Hello all, I am getting a basic dagster_dbt import...
# integration-dbt
Hello all, I am getting a basic dagster_dbt import error, and I am just not able to figure it out. When I try to import from the build_dbt_asset method using: dagster_dbt import build_dbt_asset_selection it fails: `cannot import name 'build_dbt_asset_selection' from 'dagster_dbt' I am using the lastest version of the library on a recent install. Any suggestions on why this method fails to load?
plus1 1
Looks like it changed in 1.4.x (0.20.x for the dagster_dbt library) Downgrading to 1.3.x (0.19.x) should resolve it for now
"it changed" meaning the method is no longer supported? I am building a POC for a new implementation, so I want to ensure I have the latest and greatest code set. I don't want to implement anything that is deprecated. Is there a new way to create a collection of assets outside of a group? I am really struggling trying to build a graph of dependent dbt models that exist in two different dbt projects.
Thank you!
You're welcome! I'm still studying the changes too so if you have any questions feel free to come on back and it'll be a good exercise for me too 😅
was added in Dagster 1.4, so I would expect you to be able to import it in 1.4