is there a "time travel" feature that lets me view...
# ask-community
is there a "time travel" feature that lets me view my DAG "as of" a particular time in the past? preferably from dagit. I presume it would be possible to write a graphQL query which finds the latest asset before a certain time? but hopefully something simpler and out of the box ?
Hi John - we don't currently have a feature like this. If you'd be up for filing a Github issue with your request, we might be able to take it into consideration in the future
thanks, could I theoretically at least simulate this using a graphql query / dagster API programmatically if I dind't need the dagit UI?
when you say "view my DAG", what exact information are you looking for?
I use the term loosely, I just want to know the version of each asset on the dag at that point in time. I don't plan to overwrite any of the underlying files so I can view the contents of the parquet file for any asset in history
When you say the "version", what information are you looking for specifically?
i'm ultimately after the actual contents of the dataframes within each asset. I'm hoping the metadata on the asset would point me to: a) filepath b) dataversion of upstream dependancies (nice to have) taking a step back. I'm keeping terms a bit vague because i'm open to how to build my code location and dags in a way that would allow me to audit what inputs went into creating an output. e.g. if my ui dashboard now shows 10 instead of 15 three hours ago. I'd like to compare the inputs that went into my dag 3 hours ago. admittedly i could also manually find the file with a timestamp earlier than 3 hours ago and link that to the asset dataversion and trace parent assets and their dataversion
got it - this should be possible. I'll put together an example