Hi all, Just wanted to flag that there should be ...
# ask-community
Hi all, Just wanted to flag that there should be a >= constraint on pydantic for Dagster. Was on pydantic==1.9.1 and ran into this error. Bumped the version to 1.10.12 and the error went away.
Copy code
dbt = DbtCliResource(project_dir=settings.dbt_project_dir,
../../.pyenv/versions/dagster-bi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dagster/_config/pythonic_config/__init__.py:767: in __init__
    resource_pointers, data_without_resources = separate_resource_params(self.__class__, data)
../../.pyenv/versions/dagster-bi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dagster/_config/pythonic_config/__init__.py:1797: in separate_resource_params
    data_with_annotation: List[Tuple[str, Any, Type]] = [
../../.pyenv/versions/dagster-bi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dagster/_config/pythonic_config/__init__.py:1798: in <listcomp>
    (k, v, keys_by_alias[k].annotation) for k, v in data.items() if k in keys_by_alias
E   AttributeError: 'ModelField' object has no attribute 'annotation'
D 2
Thanks for sharing this! 🙂 You're amazing 🎉
@ben is looking into this
Hi Chris, thanks for the report. I believe we can refactor the code in question to support 1.9.x