I all. I am getting this warning message from my D...
# ask-community
I all. I am getting this warning message from my Dagit container after it has been running for a few minutes.
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dagster_dagit       | WARNING:  Unsupported upgrade request.
dagster_dagit       | WARNING:  No supported WebSocket library detected. Please use "pip install 'uvicorn[standard]'", or install 'websockets' or 'wsproto' manually.
I have tried resolving based on this SO thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68828128/not-able-to-connect-to-websocket-using-nginx-and-uvicorn by uninstalling uvicorn and reinstalling uvicorn[standard] in the container entrypoint script below:
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pip uninstall uvicorn --yes
pip install 'uvicorn[standard]'

# Start Dagit
exec dagit -h "" -p "3000" -w workspace.yaml
However, this solution did not resolve the issue. Any ideas?