Hi all, I have a question on limiting concurrency ...
# ask-community
Hi all, I have a question on limiting concurrency in dagster 1.3.13. We (@Dane Linssen ) used to control concurrency in our project with a general configuration in our repo.py as follows:
defs = Definitions(
jobs=[job1, job2],
"max_concurrent": 3,
However, when I backfill an asset with partitions, I see lots of jobs starting/running at the same time - many more than the concurrency limit. Can anyone help explain this? Looking at the documentation it seems concurrency is now commonly limited at the asset or tag-level (see the docs). Does the above way of limiting concurrency not work for partition backfills (anymore)?
hi @Tim Weelinck ! the above configuration is limiting the concurrency of ops within a single run (and so will have no effect in terms of cross-run concurrency). You'll want to t go with the method of limiting concurrency described in this section, in which you edit your dagster.yaml file to set the
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