Hi all I have two diffrent dbt project that want r...
# integration-dbt
Hi all I have two diffrent dbt project that want run dbt_project_1 after that run dbt_project_2 and schedule this every 15 minutes can someone help me
1. Create a Schedule that will trigger the materialization of dbt_project_1 assets every 15 min 2. Create a (multi) asset sensor that will watch the materialization of dbt_project_1 assets and trigger the materialization of dbt_project_2.
thanks how can monitor that run of dbt_project_1_job was finished?
You can test in the multi-asser sensor that all the monitored assets have run, see
if all(asset_events.values()):
in doc: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/asset-sensors#triggering-runs-upon-materializations It will take some reading to get used to all the concepts.
thank you very much I test it
👍 1