While experimenting with Dagster, I have come acro...
# ask-community
While experimenting with Dagster, I have come across a couple of questions. • Firstly, I am trying to determine if there is a possibility to include approval steps. Based on this issue (https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/11661), it appears that currently, there is no direct way to achieve this. However, have your customers found a viable solution to implement approval steps in their processes? • Additionally, suppose I materialize an asset. In such a case, what would be the best approach to manually modify entries within it? This could be necessary, for example, if an ML model occasionally generates inaccurate results. (edited)
There isn't a direct way to implement approval steps, but a workflow could be: • Split your job into two: one job pre-approval and another post • Once the pre-approval job finishes, send a Slack/email with a preview or link to the asset • On approval, push to some object storage/Google sheet/database that the approval happened • Have a sensor listen storage for the approval to be made, then kick off job 2 afterward For manually modifying entries, you have a couple options depending on your needs. What I'd recommend is to use our Config system to customize your run
Regarding the approval steps. I like this idea, and maybe this can also be connected to GitHub so a GitHub issue is created after the pre-approval job, and if the issue is closed, a sensor triggers.
For modifying entries. Let's take the following small example: • Asset `books`: Fetches information about 100 books and materializes it • The description for book number 10, 15, and 20 needs to be changed manually because it contains typos Would the config system be the right approach here?
Couple options given the context, thanks! 1. Partition by your 100 books and backfill those 3 partitions 2. Have a downstream
asset that reconciles the changes from an alternative asset, if possible. 3. Use config and a manual run, but then you'll have to write logic to handle what do about the config 4. Don't track the manual edits in Dagster if you don't need to keep a log of them.
Regarding the second option. Let's say I have partitioned the books by week. Would you then also partition the