we’re suddenly running into the following issue af...
# dagster-serverless
we’re suddenly running into the following issue after switching the billing plan we were on back and forth (@chris):
Copy code
View the status of your locations at <http://miracle.dagster.cloud/475ac3c997508b328529e52c352390fa84d1f93f/workspace>.

Waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster...
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to miracle-dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Error: No Dagster Cloud agent is actively heartbeating. Make sure that you have a Dagster Cloud agent running.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/.pex/venvs/4237725ac0312343e87c13daa25f529bb537503a/bb8d7c46f1a0a639d46b6e06c454ccfb042eac7b/pex", line 263, in <module>
    exec(ast, globals_map, locals_map)
  File "src/create_or_update_comment.py", line 81, in <module>
  File "src/create_or_update_comment.py", line 33, in main
    pr = repo.get_pull(pr_id)
  File "/home/runner/.pex/venvs/4237725ac0312343e87c13daa25f529bb537503a/bb8d7c46f1a0a639d46b6e06c454ccfb042eac7b/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github/Repository.py", line 2835, in get_pull
    headers, data = self._requester.requestJsonAndCheck(
  File "/home/runner/.pex/venvs/4237725ac0312343e87c13daa25f529bb537503a/bb8d7c46f1a0a639d46b6e06c454ccfb042eac7b/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github/Requester.py", line 398, in requestJsonAndCheck
    return self.__check(
  File "/home/runner/.pex/venvs/4237725ac0312343e87c13daa25f529bb537503a/bb8d7c46f1a0a639d46b6e06c454ccfb042eac7b/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github/Requester.py", line 423, in __check
    raise self.__createException(status, responseHeaders, output)
github.GithubException.GithubException: 403 {"message": "Resource not accessible by integration", "documentation_url": "<https://docs.github.com/rest/pulls/pulls#get-a-pull-request>"}
Ignoring failure to update PR comment: None
Error: Failed to deploy Python Executable. Try disabling fast deploys by setting `ENABLE_FAST_DEPLOYS: 'false'` in your .github/workflows/*yml.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Which page are you seeing this error on btw?
opening a PR from branch
deploy link
@Anirudh Kamath
@chris we're basically opening a PR and relying on Dagster Cloud's auto deploy that's worked fine in the past. unsure what could be causing this failure
hey guys - looks like the manual switching process triggered one of our daemons to shut down your agent. Currently working on getting this set up again
🌈 2
Okay agent’s back up. This should be resolved going forward