It seems that the UI get corrupted if I deploy doc...
# deployment-kubernetes
It seems that the UI get corrupted if I deploy docker image with dagster to k8s. When I run the workflow via launchpad on the dagster app on k8s, the "Runs" tab shows the messages that "No run found" and "The run with this ID does not exist or has been cleaned up". I am sure that the workflow has been run on the backend, but the UI is not able to show it normally. However, if I run the docker image on my local end instead of k8s, I didn't encounter this issue. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot.
This sounds like the k8s deployment is pointed at a different database
The database is the same. If I refresh the UI on k8s frequently, the "runs" may come out sometimes, but it is "The run with this ID does not exist or has been cleaned up" most of the time.
The same url loads sometimes and sometimes doesn’t? Bizarre
Is it possible that traffic is getting routed to two webservers
(one that can load, one that can’t)
lol. You are right. @johann Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.