Hey everyone, I'm another one following the <dagst...
# integration-dbt
Hey everyone, I'm another one following the dagster + dbt tutorial, but I can't seem to get my scaffold command to work appropriately. I'm in the jaffle_shop directory, with no changes from the source other than my pipfile which is this:
Copy code
url = "<https://pypi.org/simple>"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

dbt-core = "*"
dagster = "*"
dagster-webserver = "*"
dbt-duckdb = "*"
dagster-dbt = "*"


python_version = "3.11"
When I run the
dagster-dbt project scaffold --project-name jaffle_dagster
command it seems to work as normal:
Copy code
dagster-dbt project scaffold --project-name jaffle_dagster
Running with dagster-dbt version: 0.20.3.
Initializing Dagster project jaffle_dagster in the current working directory for dbt project directory /Users/.../Desktop/Work/tutorial-dbt-dagster/jaffle_shop
Your Dagster project has been initialized. To view your dbt project in Dagster, run the following commands:
 cd '/Users/.../Desktop/Work/tutorial-dbt-dagster/jaffle_shop' \                                                                                                   
   && dbt parse --target-path target \                                                                                                                                 
   && cd '/Users/iandias/Desktop/Work/tutorial-dbt-dagster/jaffle_shop/jaffle_dagster' \                                                                               
   && dagster dev
However the created jaffle_dagster folder doesn't contain much. It only has a sub jaffle_dagster folder and an empty init.py file. What am I doing wrong here?
Sorry about that, this is an oversight into the released package. The scaffold files were not packaged with
. The fix is here, and will be released tomorrow: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/15654
🚀 1
Lovely, thanks @rex