Hi all. We're trying to use Dagster for our orches...
# ask-community
Hi all. We're trying to use Dagster for our orchestration and we are running it on an EC2 instance. Can anyone recommend a good CI/CD workflow?
What we have so far: • Github repository with the dagster project code • Github action to copy to EC2 storage when there's a push to master
What I'm having some trouble with: • When developing locally, dagster.yaml is being used which is referring to locations and resources in the EC2 instance. Is there a way to ignore dagster.yaml?
You could explicitly set DAGSTER_HOME to another location than your working directory, so dagster.xml ist not applied, or have a dagster.prod.xml in your project, which is renamed to dagster.yml in your CI-pipeline
❤️ 1
Thanks Holger!