Hello! I am looking to upgrade our Dagster daemon ...
# ask-community
Hello! I am looking to upgrade our Dagster daemon / webserver instance from
. Assuming none of the breaking changes detailed in the migration guide applies, is the recommended upgrade path to incrementally upgrade to each minor version, or is it safe to jump multiple minor versions at once? Are there any concerns if our user code versions are skewed 3 minor versions behind the daemon and server (temporarily as we migrate)?
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yes i’d recommend incrementally upgrade to each minor version in case anything unexpected happens. since we won’t have access to your infra, it’d be easier for us to help with troubleshooting as well if you incrementally upgrade.
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most changes we made that would affect user code would be backward compatible. but keep in mind there were some breaking changes introduced in minor versions. you can find all of them here: https://docs.dagster.io/migration
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