this is what i am trying out: ``` @op def create_t...
# integration-bigquery
this is what i am trying out:
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def create_test_view() -> None:
        "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `test.view`"

def depends_on_test_view(creat_test_view) -> None:
        "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `test.another_view`"

def generate_views():
    return depends_on_test_view(create_test_view())
this is the error i’m getting:
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google.api_core.exceptions.NotFound: 404 Not found: Table test:test.result was not found in location US
(i’m obfuscating the project names) i’m not querying the
table. what am i missing?
🤖 1
it seems like i need to define it as a job, not a graph asset
ahhh ok so what’s happening here is that
actually makes the op for you (so you dont need to then wrap it in your own op. dagster is getting confusing about some of the outputs and looking for tables that don’t exist because of the double wrapping tbh i would recommend either using assets like i mentioned in the above thread, or if you want to use ops, then using the bigquery resource to execute the sql within your own op. The helper function
can be nice in some circumstances, but it isn’t as customizable
@jamie makes sense! yeah i ended up using bigquery resource - i'll play with what you suggested