Hey, I have a dagster deployment running in k8s, a...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hey, I have a dagster deployment running in k8s, and I’m trying to use the dagster cli to connect and kick off a job • what’s the grpc host in this case? Is it dagit, or the specific user deployment where the job is define? • is there a specific port I need to expose? Looking at the helm charts, it looks like we’re only exposing Dagit’s port 80
The cli is a little tricky to use alongside the helm chart. If you’re just looking to launch runs programmatically, doing so over the graphql api would be my recommendation
Thanks @johann! Haven’t looked into the graphql option, but this was my backup plan 🙂 I thought that the cli would be slightly easier for our ml engineers to use, but they know their python so I’m not too worried.
👍 With a remote deployment the cli needs db access, needs the proper dagster.yaml config, etc. It’s on our backlog to make a gql powered cli to make this easier
Great. I’m happy I asked before going further down this rabbit hole