Does the "Show closed and merged branches" toggle ...
# dagster-plus
Does the "Show closed and merged branches" toggle in branch deployments do anything for anyone else? It doesn't seem to change the view / filtering at all for me
working for me
Strange, it's never worked for me, I just finally remembered to bring it up
Working for me. Are you closing the branch deployments in your CI?
Ah no, that must be it. I assumed the "merged branches" part of "Show closed and merged branches" referred to when a branch has been merged in Github
We don't automatically remove branch deployments via the dagster cloud actions / CLI because people have a bad habit of running important things in them 🤷
Maybe I'm missing something about the branch deployments workflow - can you now "close" branch deployments without deleting them?
I don’t think so. You can mark it as either “closed” or “merged” (it would get deleted in both cases). I can send you the exact CLI command a bit later. I think it’s something among the lines of “dagster-cloud branch-deployment update —status merged”