Selecting upstream assets with a dbt job using the...
# integration-dbt
Selecting upstream assets with a dbt job using the new API
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Hi, Two questions relating to the new DBT API. QUESTION 1 The dbt tutorial using the new DBT API states that if we want to run the dbt assets + the upstream assets that we do this from the
asset group. However, this is obviously a contrived example and doesn’t really apply to the “real world” where we will likely have multiple dbt jobs. So the question is, how do we select specific dbt assets + other assets and combine them into a job? For example, we can easily select all of the required dbt assets using a tag, but how can we then additively include other assets e.g. using a group?
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dbt_assets = build_dbt_asset_selection([my_dbt_assets], dbt_select="tag:dbt_group_1")
other_assets_we_want_to_run_in_the_job = AssetSelection.groups("dbt_group_1")

    selection=dbt_assets # This will work fine on its own
    selection=other_assets... # This will work fine on its own
    selection=dbt_assets + other_assets # How do we combine them? 
In the last line above, doing a “dumb” addition (
) will yield an error. And I can’t see how we can coerce these two types into a common sequence.
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TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'KeysAssetSelection' and 'GroupsAssetSelection'
QUESTION 2 Before updating to the new API, the dbt + Fivetran assets were mapped as dependencies with the asset name and prefix. However, this is now broken. How do we set the upstream Fivetran assets to appear in a single job so that the Fivetran + dbt assets can be materialized in the same job?
Re: question 1 —
You can use the “|”, “&”, and “-” operators to create unions, intersections, and differences of asset selections, respectively.
So you’ll want
dbt_assets | other_assets
🙌 1
Re question 2 — you have to ensure that the asset keys for your fivetran assets match the asset keys for your dbt sources. Have you seen
Oh I totally missed that… Thanks @rex. I’m not sure I like the idea of having to set these dependencies in the actual
repo/code. I feel like this logic should live in Dagster. But that’s just an initial thought / feeling
Got it. If you don’t want to set it in your dbt project, then you can set it using the `DbtTranslator`:
Fancy! Thanks, Rex.
Similar to You would need to parse
so that only your fivetran sources are selected
Hi @rex, On the related vein of above, is there an example available for overwriting the dbt auto-materialization meta data? The example from the docs (replicated below) isn’t very descriptive.
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class CustomDagsterDbtTranslator(DagsterDbtTranslator):
    def get_metadata(
        self, dbt_resource_props: Mapping[str, Any]
    ) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        return {
            "dbt_metadata": MetadataValue.json(dbt_resource_props.get("meta", {}))
Essentially, I am trying to override the auto mat policies to do this on a per dbt tag basis. I’ve tried almost every combination known to man as the return value / dict, but I cannot get it to work. Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
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class CustomDagsterDbtTranslator(DagsterDbtTranslator):
    def get_metadata(self, dbt_resource_props: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        if "my-dbt-tag" in dbt_resource_props["config"]["tags"]:
            logger.warn("Implementing custom user_data metadata")  # THIS LOGS, SO A GOOD START
            meta = {
                "auto_materialize_policy": {"type": "eager"},
                "freshness_policy": {
                    "maximum_lag_minutes": 60,
                    "cron_schedule": "0 * * * *",
                    "cron_schedule_timezone": "UTC",
            return {
                "dbt_metadata": MetadataValue.json(dbt_resource_props.get("meta", meta))
        return super().get_metadata(dbt_resource_props)
I’ve tried every combination I can think of for the return value (vanilla dict, the above etc), but nothing works (and I suspect this returned value is the issue). FYI, if I add the auto-mat policies to the dbt schema yaml file, then the auto-mat kicks in. But when I remove it and try to use this custom translator, I can’t get it to work. Any pointers?
affects the metadata of the AssetsDefinition. It’s similar to Dagster metadata is for display purposes in the UI. It doesn’t override the dbt metadata.
What you are looking for is something like
as methods on
. This is not implemented yet. Feel free to add a feature request
Ah ok. Thanks @rex . I misinterpreted the dbt metadata for the dragster metadata. Hmmm, this will require some extra work then, as I’m aiming for a per-tag materialization policy. But this would require restructuring our debt schema files. So it’d be much better if it were a feature in dagster. I’ll raise this as a request. In the meantime any suggestions for how I could potentially handle this in dagster? I mean, I could define a macro in dbt and apply this to each model impacted. But that’s very fragile. Otherwise refactoring the schema files is the only thing that springs to mind.
Cheers đź‘Ť
Let me know when you’ve filed the feature request — can probably get to it this week so that it’s in the release
Morning @rex, I’ve filed the feature request.
Absolutely legendary @rex !