Hi folks! Just a quick question. Let’s say I have ...
# ask-community
Hi folks! Just a quick question. Let’s say I have three dbt assets: A, B and C. Asset C is dependent on both asset A and asset B. If I set auto materialisation policy for asset C to be eager. When A and B are materialised separately (two different timing), will C auto materialise twice?
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Hi @Bolin Zhu! if that's the entirety of the asset graph, then yes C will be materialized twice. In your case, are A and B likely to be materializing at the same time, or are they executing entirely independently? We're considering adding a customization option to allow (e.g.) C to skip when one of its parents is in progress, so if A and B were materializing at the same time, but A finished first, then C would wait for B to complete before firing.
In our case, A and B are executing entirely independently and we are trying to avoid running C twice. You can imagine that A and B are two different datasets that arrive at different times (each day). Aggregation and transformation in C should only start when both A and B receive the latest data.
Got it -- this isn't currently supported but it's been requested a few times, here's the issue: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/14950
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