I am using Airbyte to build integrations for our c...
# integration-airbyte
I am using Airbyte to build integrations for our customers for some specific source systems. As such, I will likely have many stream with exactly the same name (but will live in a different folder in S3, my destination). Is there a way in Dagster to "prefix" the assets that are automatically loaded from
by the actually connection id?
🤖 1
From what I am seeing, this is not included in the
class that
takes in. I see that it has stream name, but I would prefer to just use the unique id
Hi Brent, I suspect the answer here is no, but our
expert is out this week so I can’t confirm. I suggest opening an issue and I’ll tag him on it to make sure he sees it next week: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues