Hi all. How can I pass authentication credentials ...
# ask-community
Hi all. How can I pass authentication credentials to adls2_resource? The docs show the yaml required which I can enter manually into the webserver but I would like to automate. I assume I use a RunConfig but not totally sure. Many thanks for your help.
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Hi James, In what context are you looking to execute a job with this resource? Do you just want the config to be set in advance when executing via the Dagster UI?
Hi Sean, thanks for getting back to me. Yes I just want the config set in advance. I’m just working locally without a dagster.yaml so ideally I don’t need to create one.
It should be possible using the legacy
API: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/configuration/configured#configured-api- However I recommend using the new-style `ADLS2Resource`:
Copy code
from dagster import asset, Definitions
from dagster_azure.adls2.resources import ADLS2Resource

def some_asset_using_adls2(adls2: ADLS2Resource):

defs = Definitions(
    resources={"adls2": ADLS2Resource(credentials=...)}
Thanks that worked. Really appreciate the support!