Hey folks, I could use some help getting my projec...
# ask-community
Hey folks, I could use some help getting my project deployed to my dagster serverless account. I’ve been following the tutorial setup with the hackernews examples and am trying to deploy it via the github integration, but the github action keeps failing. The logs from the action say
Error: buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c dagster-cloud --version" did not complete successfully: exit code: 127
I’ve tried having dagster-cloud in both the setup.py and requirements.txt files, but it doesn’t seem to install the library when the action builds its container. Hoping it’s just a simple config I’m missing, and I’m pointing in the wrong place. Here’s my
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  - location_name: swingleft_dagster
      package_name: swingleft_dagster
and here’s my setup.py inside the dagster location:
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from setuptools import find_packages, setup

    extras_require={"dev": ["dagster-webserver", "pytest"]},
and here’s the directory structure for the project (this is my DBT project that I’m adding dagster to, but just including the dagster stuff here for now as that’s not relevant yet)
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├── README.md
└── swingleft-dagster
    ├── README.md
    ├── dagster_cloud.yaml
    ├── analytics.hackernews
    ├── pyproject.toml
    ├── setup.cfg
    ├── setup.py
    ├── swingleft_dagster
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── assets.py
    │   ├── requirements.txt
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── __init__.py
    ├── swingleft_dagster.egg-info
    │   ├── PKG-INFO
    │   ├── SOURCES.txt
    │   ├── dependency_links.txt
    │   ├── requires.txt
    │   └── top_level.txt
    └── swingleft_dagster_tests
        ├── __init__.py
        └── test_assets.py
i have also tried using the dagster-cloud cli locally and run into the same error:
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=> ERROR [9/9] RUN if ! dagster-cloud --version; then         echo "Could not find the   0.3s
 > [9/9] RUN if ! dagster-cloud --version; then         echo "Could not find the dagster-cloud package.  Make sure you include the dagster-cloud package in your setup.py or requirements.txt file to ensure that it is installed as part of your workspace.";         exit 1;     fi:
#14 0.245 /bin/sh: 1: dagster-cloud: not found
#14 0.246 Could not find the dagster-cloud package.  Make sure you include the dagster-cloud package in your setup.py or requirements.txt file to ensure that it is installed as part of your workspace.
Hi Nick, is
also found in the
yes. i’ve tried with and without it
i actually just rearranged to put the
file into the actual dagster project so it’s all in the same place
i realized i wasn’t correctly copying the folder structure in the docs. i believe it is correctly installing
now, but now I’m seeing this:
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Exception: Error in location config:
Must specify a field at path root:code_source if more than one field is defined. Defined 
fields: ['module_name', 'package_name', 'python_file']
i have updated the configs/directory structure shared in my original message to reflect the changes i’ve made. It feels like progress.
Hi Nick - can you share the github workflow you are using? Is it based on this one? https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud-action/blob/main/github/serverless/deploy.yml
yep that’s the one
lately I’ve been tyring to use the CLI to deploy just because I don’t want to merge all these changes into my main branch
with the dagster_cloud.yaml file moved down a directory, the dagster UI yells at me even after setting the path variable for it
if i move dagster_cloud file back up i run back into the error where it fails to install dagster-cloud module
You can keep
right next to the
. If you want to deploy with the cli, can you try this command:
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cd swingleft-dagster

dagster-cloud serverless deploy-python-executable --location-file=dagster_cloud.yaml --location-name=swingleft_dagster