Hi! I'm looking to create regular csv extracts of ...
# ask-community
Hi! I'm looking to create regular csv extracts of data from snowflake to blob storage. The data needs to be transformed prior to being unloaded into blob storage. I have a dbt model to perform the transformation as well as an airbyte connection defined. I can see the assets in global asset lineage but how would I make the airbyte asset dependent the on a dbt asset (dbt -> airbyte -> blob)? I'm using load_assets_from_airbyte_instance and load_assets_from_dbt_project to load assets. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! 🙂
Hey Aatish! I know when you define an asset via decorator you can apply deps. However, when using load_assets_from_airbyte_instance, I am not sure you can easily do that. I did find this open issue that sounds related. It also has a workaround using build_airbyte_assets that you might be able to apply for your situation. Not sure you already seen this. If so, sorry! https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/12261