Hi! My current stack is dagster, airbyte, dbt, cli...
# ask-community
Hi! My current stack is dagster, airbyte, dbt, clickhouse. Airbyte streams are loaded in as assets(mysql to clickhouse), and dbt modules (on clickhouse) are loaded in as assets. Question: Is there a way to separate streams within an airbyte connection? • E.g., I have one connection with ten tables in it. • I want to put 5 of those tables in a daily job/schedule, and the other 5 in a weekly job/schedule. • The error I run into is "This AssetsDefinition does not support subsetting. Please select all asset keys produced by this asset." • In other words, this is the result of trying to replicate only a subset of steams (tables) in the airbyte connection via dagster, instead of all of them. What I'm using: • dagster_airbyte.AirbyteResource -> dagster_airbyte.build_airbyte_assets