I'm missing something about how sensor cursors wor...
# ask-community
I'm missing something about how sensor cursors work... any ideas what?? I have a multi-asset sensor that listens on a set of assets, and if ALL of them materialize, I would like to trigger a function and/or a run request. Code below... what's happening, however, is that when the sensor is evaluating, the function is executing with every tick once the monitored assets have been materialized exactly once each, and it's because rows are returned from
even though i call
and no materialization events for the monitored assets have occured. I would have expected that
would return nothing if no materialization events have happened... or at least that is what the documentation says should be happening....
Copy code
def sensor(context: MultiAssetSensorEvaluationContext):
        asset_events = context.latest_materialization_records_by_key()
        if all(asset_events.values()):
            if sensor_fn:
            if request_assets or jobs:
                return RunRequest()
        elif any(asset_events.values()):
            materialized_asset_key_strs = [
                key.to_user_string() for key, value in asset_events.items() if value
            not_materialized_asset_key_strs = [
                key.to_user_string() for key, value in asset_events.items() if not value
            return SkipReason(
                f"Observed materializations for {materialized_asset_key_strs}, "
                f"but not for {not_materialized_asset_key_strs}"