I am learning Dagster, so sorry if this is a very ...
# ask-community
I am learning Dagster, so sorry if this is a very basic question. Here is what I am trying to understand in Assets. I have a call to a database or webserver that returns an array of values lets call them customer IDs. For each cutomer ID I want to run an asset to analyze that customer. Here is a pseudo code of the idea:
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# Find array of customer_ids to analyze
def find_customers_to_analyze(context):
    with database.get_resource().get_client() as client:
        detector = CustomerWrapper(context)
        return detector.find_customrs_to_analyze() # returns an array of zero ore more customer_ids

# For each customer_id returned by find_customers_to_analyze
def analyze_customer(context, customer_id):
    with database.get_resource().get_client() as client:
        detector = CustomerWrapper(context)
        return detector.check_for_anomalies(customer_id)
It would be nice if
would run as many as possible in parallel as allowed by some concurrent limit. Is there some documentation or tutorial somewhere that describes how to achieve this. I assume this is a very common usecase but my Google-foo is not strong enough to find what I am looking for. I found similar unanswered question os SO
Thanks @martin o leary that document uses
Can I do the same thing with assets or must I use ops?
Maybe this? https://dagster.io/blog/dynamic-partitioning `
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I think of partitions as being “outside the asset” if that makes sense? You could build a dynamic graph as above and create an asset from it maybe? https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/assets/graph-backed-assets#graph-backed-assets
👍 1