Dagit is not loading our repository with the error...
# ask-community
Dagit is not loading our repository with the error: 'new() is missing 3 required positional arguments on_missing, on_new_parent_data and for_freshness. We are using version 1.4.9 for both dagster and dagit. What could be causing this error?
Hi Tyler - could you include the full stack trace? Is it possible that your code is running on a later dagster version than your dagit is running?
Unfortunately I am unable to provide the whole stack trace. Our dagit version is running 1.3.11 and one of our dagster code locations is running 1.4.9 so this may be the issue
I think that's right - I suspect this problem will go away if you upgrade your dagit version
Okay I will upgrade the dagster version and see if that fixes it
@daniel this indeed worked, thanks for the help