:wave: Hey all - is there any documentation / exam...
# dagster-plus
👋 Hey all - is there any documentation / examples on how to stream job logs from Dagster cloud to Datadog?
Hi Alan - which type of agent are you using?
We're on serverless 🙏
got it - on ECS hybrid you could set up a datadog sidecar that does this: https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/ecs_fargate/?tab=webui But we don't offer sidecar-level customization on serverless. We do expose the raw compute logs for each op over our API, but getting that to be streaming would be tricky. I'll check with the team to see if we have any other options here.
@daniel we're thinking of using the CloudwatchLogger from dagster-aws to stream logs to cloudwatch and then use the datadog forwarder integration to move them from cloudwatch into DD Not ideal but I think this should work