Hey, sorry for the basic question but can anyone h...
# ask-community
Hey, sorry for the basic question but can anyone help me understand the quickstart-aws Dagster repository by Dagster-IO on connecting S3 to Dagster via
? On the section on using environment variables to handle secrets, it talks about configuring
which does not exist in the repository. I have my AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key, how do I give Dagster my AWS credentials? As far as I can tell, I just have to properly configure the resource definition, but the documentation's been a bit overwhelming. Running the code base I have now gives an
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
@Dagster Bot issue update starter repo readme to not mention repository
apologies for the confusion. will update the readme. it's now migrated to "Definitions" in https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/examples/quickstart_aws/quickstart_aws/__init__.py, where you can specify the env var key here btw we've moved that starter template from its standalone repo to dagster/examples/ dir