Hello, new here. I’m just trying to setup dagster ...
# ask-community
Hello, new here. I’m just trying to setup dagster cloud serverless, using the UI setup for my standard dbt project, with the provided PR and github actions. I’m getting an error on the github action build. The first try while the code was still on the branch
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Error loading dagster: {'__typename': 'PythonError', 'message': 'code server subprocess unexpectedly exited with 1:', 'stack': []}
Error: Failed to deploy Python Executable. Try disabling fast deploys by setting `ENABLE_FAST_DEPLOYS: 'false'` in your .github/workflows/*yml.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
second try with the code on main
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Still waiting for agent to sync changes to dagster. This can take a few minutes.
Error: Some locations failed to load after being synced by the agent:
Error loading dagster: {'__typename': 'PythonError', 'message': 'code server subprocess unexpectedly exited with 1:', 'stack': []}
Error: Failed to deploy Python Executable. Try disabling fast deploys by setting `ENABLE_FAST_DEPLOYS: 'false'` in your .github/workflows/*yml.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.