Hi, when running `dagster dev` it launches separat...
# ask-community
Hi, when running
dagster dev
it launches separate subprocesses for separate parts of the stack. I would like to launch them manually from different terminals for better debugging experience. For example, it seemed to me that I can launch two terminals with commands
dagster api grpc --host ... --port ...
DAGSTER_HOME=... dagster-daemon run --grpc-host ... --grpc-port ...
but it does not quite work. Is it possible? Would love to get as granular as possible (for example separate terminal for each: webserver, grpc, main daemon, sensor daemon, etc...)
Hi Paulius - we have some examples that run each of the commands in a different container that might work as a reference? https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/master/examples/deploy_docker If you deploy using our helm chart, this is also what's happening under the hood - dagit, the daemon, and gRPC servers all run in a different pod. There are some examples here of how to set up a workspace.yaml file that points at a gRPC server that you are running yourself: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/code-locations/workspace-files#running-your-own-grpc-server
Thanks, will give it a try!