Hello, all; I am trying a multiple docker containe...
# ask-community
Hello, all; I am trying a multiple docker container deployment, using this guide: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/1.4.10/examples/deploy_docker Is it possible to add user code location containers to the instance after the initial launch of the web server, daemon, et cetera? I have tried creating new containers and including the network from the initial launch, and then editing the original
file to include the new grpc server. It sees the new assets/jobs, but running them fails for the new location not existing in the workspace.
Hi Jason - i think for this to work, the workspace.yaml would need to be mounted as a volume in the docker compose file rather than added to the Dockerfile at build time like it is in the example: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/1.4.10/examples/deploy_docker/Dockerfile_dagster#L18 Once that change was made, I would expect it to work
Thank you very much for the tip; I am going to try that out.
I added
as a volume in the dagit container, but I still get the same materialization failures with the assets in the user code container added external to the original deployment. Is there a special way the mounting should take place?
you may also need to mount your code as a volume? https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/docker#mounting-volumes