# dagster-plus
https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/managing-deployments/branch-deployments/using-branch-deployments-with-github#step-42-configu[…]-action-secrets Links to https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud-hybrid-quickstart/blob/main/.github/workflows/branch_deployments.yml that gives an 404 … I tried to setup Dagster using the dagster cloud and a simple dbt project copied from bdt start, it was supposed to create actions for me, the actions don’t work … the documentation links to missing files. Is this product production ready?
dagster docs feedback 1
Hi Tadeu - we'll look into that broken link, thanks for reporting that. I think the github repo itself has the updated steps that you're looking for under "Step 4: Set up Secrets": https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud-hybrid-quickstart/tree/main#step-4-set-up-secrets
Shouldn’t the PR from the dasgter cloud UI setup and connection to github set this up for me? It let’s me point to my dbt repo and tells me everything will work … Everything is setup correctly, but it’s giving error I cannot understand at all without experience of how dagster setup works. It did setup the secrets automatically. • the dagster serverless deploy github action you site setup for me did not work untill I changed ENABLE_FAST_DEPLOYS: “false” • now it’s broken at the next step Matrix: Docker deploy
Copy code
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c if [ -f \"setup.py\" ]; then pip install .; fi" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
CleanShot 2023-08-31 at 16.31.08@2x.png
I can help with that latest error - I think what happened here is that pypi was in the middle of publishing a new version and sometimes there is some caching at play on their side. If you do a redeploy of the github action now do you see the same problem?
or actually - I see that it's trying to install "dagster==0.0.1" - is that possibly something in the requirements.txt for your repo?
same error, and I think you got it, there is actually a file like that, but the weird thing is, this file was setup by dagster cloud itself using the setup dbt from the cloud UI. That is my questioning if this is really production ready 😞
CleanShot 2023-08-31 at 16.37.49@2x.png
I just had a plain start dbt on the repo with nothing from dagster.
It was this setup for the record
Got it - this is because the name of the project/code location was chosen to be "dagster", so it's getting confused between your local dagster folder (the one with the setup.py in it) and the "dagster" package in pypi. We'll add some validation to prevent that name from being chosen (or create a different package name when it's chosen).
👍 1
Should I just try to setup the repo again?
That should work, yes. As long as it has a name that doesn't collide with a package that it's trying to install from pypi I would expect it to work
D 1
Thanks for the help.
No problem, thanks for surfacing that case. Hopefully things go more smoothly after these initial rough edges