Slack alerts not working on Dagster Cloud
# dagster-plus
Slack alerts not working on Dagster Cloud
Hi, I have setup the Slack Alert in Dagster Cloud which applies to all jobs and should be triggered when a job fails. However, I manually materialized an asset (which I knew would fail), and I didn’t receive an alert. Please see the attached screenshots.
Alert setup in Dagster Cloud
Dagster Slack app correctly installed in Slack
Manual run which failed, which I expected to result in an alert in Slack
Alert policy JSON
Any clues?
Hi Todd, did you add the Dagster Cloud user to the channel you are sending the messages to?
Thanks, @Danilo Oliveira. That was the missing piece of the puzzle.
D 2
Glad you were able to figure this out - there should be an event log line at the end of the run that failed if there was a Slack API failure writing the alert (in this case i'd expect it to be something like 'not_in_channel')