Does anyone know how to loop an assert? In the tut...
# ask-community
Does anyone know how to loop an assert? In the tutorial we save the result from
This is saved via:
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@asset # add the asset decorator to tell Dagster this is an asset
def topstory_ids() -> None:
    newstories_url = "<>"
    top_new_story_ids = requests.get(newstories_url).json()[:100]

    os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True)
    with open("data/topstory_ids.json", "w") as f:
        json.dump(top_new_story_ids, f)
but what if we had another source? Like
? Made up example, but I have tried:
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newstories = [
for newstory in newstories:
    i = 0
    @asset(name = f"func_{i}", group_name = "same_group")
    def topstory_ids() -> None:
        newstories_url = newstory
        top_new_story_ids = requests.get(newstories_url).json()[:100]

        os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True)
        with open("data/topstory_ids.json", "w") as f:
            json.dump(top_new_story_ids, f)
    i += 1
this just results in a single asset.
👀 1
How do you load your assets into your Definitions? I have a similar setup where I generate assets in a loop, and it works like this:
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from dagster import asset, AssetsDefinition, Definitions

def generate_asset(name: str) -> AssetsDefinition:
    def _asset() -> None:

    return _asset
asset_names = ["foo", "bar"]
assets = [generate_asset(x) for x in asset_names]
defs = Definitions(assets=assets)
Edit: it does seem like the helper functions (like
) can deal with loops, but you still have to create a list of assets. In your example you overwrite the same name
with different assets, so only one can be found. You could try:
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assets = []
for newstory in newstories:
  def topstory_ids():
Thank you @DB ! 😄