<@U0667DNC02Y> convert this command: `poetry run d...
# ask-ai
@Scout convert this command:
poetry run dagster dev -d ./src/taxwire -m flows
to its pyproject.toml equivalent in the
The documentation does not provide a direct example of converting a
dagster dev
command with flags to a
configuration under the
section. However, based on the general knowledge of how
works for Python projects and the purpose of the
dagster dev
command, I can guide you on how to approach this. The
dagster dev
command is typically used to start the Dagster development environment, including the Dagster Daemon and Dagit UI. The
flag specifies the directory where your Dagster repository code is located, and the
flag specifies the Python module to load. To specify the equivalent configuration in
, you would typically define the repository location and module within the
section. However, since the documentation does not provide a specific example or format for this, I cannot give you an exact
configuration. If you need to set up your Dagster project using
, I would recommend looking for any specific guidance in the documentation regarding the
section or reaching out to the Dagster community for more detailed assistance. Additionally, you can explore the
files in the official Dagster examples for any patterns that might be relevant to your use case. Using Dagster with dbt, part 2: Load dbt... button MultiPartition to SinglePartition is bro... button Thank you for your feedback!