<@U0667DNC02Y> should I update the sensor cursor v...
# ask-ai
@Scout should I update the sensor cursor value before or after yielding a run request from a sensor, the sensor should only generate one run request in this scenario
When using a sensor in Dagster, the cursor value is typically used to track the state across sensor evaluations, ensuring that the sensor only yields run requests for new or updated events since the last evaluation. In the scenario where the sensor should only generate one run request, you should update the cursor after yielding the run request. This ensures that the sensor has the most recent state for the next evaluation. Here is an example from the documentation that illustrates updating the cursor after yielding a run request:
Copy code
python @sensor(job=log_file_job) def my_directory_sensor_cursor(context):     last_mtime = float(context.cursor) if context.cursor else 0          max_mtime = last_mtime     for filename in os.listdir(MY_DIRECTORY):         filepath = os.path.join(MY_DIRECTORY, filename)         if os.path.isfile(filepath):             fstats = os.stat(filepath)             file_mtime = fstats.st_mtime             if file_mtime <= last_mtime:                 continue              # the run key should include mtime if we want to kick off new runs based on file modifications             run_key = f"{filename}:{file_mtime}"             run_config = {"ops": {"process_file": {"config": {"filename": filename}}}}             yield RunRequest(run_key=run_key, run_config=run_config)             max_mtime = max(max_mtime, file_mtime)          context.update_cursor(str(max_mtime))
In this example, the
method is called after the
is yielded, with the
value that represents the most recent modification time encountered during the sensor evaluation. This pattern ensures that the next time the sensor runs, it will only consider files that have been modified after the
value currently stored in the cursor.