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# ask-ai
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The error message you're seeing,
, indicates that there was an issue during the execution of the sensor's evaluation function. There are a few common reasons why you might encounter this error: 1. Syntax or Runtime Errors: There might be a syntax error or a runtime error within the sensor function. Ensure that the function is defined correctly and that all variables and parameters are used correctly. 2. Incorrect Usage of Sensor Decorator: The
decorator is used to create a sensor that reacts to a given status of job execution. Make sure that the parameters passed to the decorator are correct and that the function signature matches what is expected by Dagster. 3. Incorrect Return Values: The sensor function should return either a
or a
. Ensure that the return values are instances of these classes and that they are being returned correctly. 4. Context or Configuration Issues: There might be an issue with the
being passed to the sensor function or with the configuration of the jobs involved. To debug this issue, you can: - Check the full error message and stack trace for more details on what might be causing the error. - Ensure that the job names and other parameters used in the sensor function are correct. - Verify that the
parameter is set to a valid job object. - Make sure that the
parameter is set to a valid
enum value. - Confirm that the sensor function is returning the correct type of object (
). If you continue to experience issues, you may want to look at the sensor logs or add additional logging to your sensor function to get more insight into what is happening during execution. Remember to replace
with the actual job objects or names you are using in your Dagster project. If you've used placeholders like
directly in your code, that could be the source of the error, as Python expects actual variable names or object references there. If you've checked all of the above and the issue persists, you may need to provide more context or the full error message for further assistance.