I want to run a reverse-etl-job in dagster and wan...
# ask-ai
I want to run a reverse-etl-job in dagster and want to select all assets in an asset group to be transferred to an S3 bucket. How would I define such a job?
To define a job in Dagster that selects all assets in an asset group and transfers them to an S3 bucket, you would typically follow these steps: 1. Define your assets and group them accordingly. Each asset should represent a piece of data or a computation that you want to transfer to S3. 2. Use an I/O manager that is capable of interacting with S3 to handle the storage and retrieval of your assets. The
is an example of an I/O manager provided by Dagster for this purpose. 3. Define a job that materializes the assets. You can use the
function to create a job that materializes a selection of assets. Here is a simplified example based on the documentation:
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python from dagster_aws.s3 import S3PickleIOManager, S3Resource from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, AssetGroup  # Define your assets and group them @asset(group_name="my_asset_group") def my_asset():     # Your asset computation logic     return data_to_transfer  # Define the S3 resource and I/O manager for S3 s3_io_manager = S3PickleIOManager(s3_resource=S3Resource(), s3_bucket="my-bucket")  # Define the asset group my_asset_group = AssetGroup(assets=[my_asset], resource_defs={"io_manager": s3_io_manager})  # Define the job that materializes all assets in the group reverse_etl_job = define_asset_job(     name="reverse_etl_job",     asset_group=my_asset_group, )  # Now you can run the job to materialize the assets and transfer them to S3
In this example,
is an asset that belongs to the group "my_asset_group". The
is used to manage the storage of the asset's output in an S3 bucket. The
function creates a job that, when executed, will materialize the assets in the group and store their outputs in the specified S3 bucket. Please note that this example is illustrative and may need to be adapted to your specific use case, including the configuration of the S3 bucket, the definition of the assets, and the setup of the I/O manager. You may also need to handle dependencies between assets if they exist. For more detailed information and examples, you should refer to the Dagster documentation on I/O managers, assets, and defining jobs.