<@U0667DNC02Y> I have a scheduler based on dynamic...
# ask-ai
@Scout I have a scheduler based on dynamic partitions, that when being checked by the SchedulerDaemon seems to not trigger any runs, but if I go to the UI and go into "Test Schedule" it generates the runs and I can trigger them from there, in the logs I see:
2024-02-08 08:33:00 +0000 - dagster.daemon.SchedulerDaemon - INFO - No new tick times to evaluate for the_job_schedule
I am a bit confused why I can trigger tuns manually when going into "Test Schedule" but the Daemon itself is not triggering anything, and I don't see any other error or logs on the daemon.
Based on the documentation, there are a few things to consider when troubleshooting schedules that are not triggering as expected: 1. Verify the Schedule is Started: Ensure that the schedule has been started. You can check this in the UI, where started schedules will have a green clock icon next to them. If the schedule is not started, you can start it using the toggle at the top of the schedule's page in the UI. 2. Check the Scheduler Daemon: The daemon process is responsible for triggering scheduled runs. If the scheduler daemon has a status of "Not running," this indicates an issue with your daemon deployment. You should check the logs from the daemon process to understand what might be going wrong. If the daemon ran into an error that resulted in an exception, this error will often display in the "Scheduler" tab in the UI. 3. Review the Schedule Configuration: Ensure that the schedule is configured correctly. For dynamic partitions, the scheduler will only consider the most recent execution time, and it will never launch a run from a time before the schedule was turned on. If you want to launch runs for earlier partitions, you need to launch a backfill. 4. Check for Errors in Schedule Code: In the UI, open the schedule's "Schedule details" page by clicking the schedule in the left sidenav. Locate the latest tick for the schedule. If there was an error trying to submit runs for the schedule, a red "Failure" badge should display in the "Status" column. Click the badge to display an error and stack trace describing the execution failure. 5. Workspace Configuration: Verify that the daemon is using the same
file as the webserver. The daemon does not need to restart to pick up changes to the
file. 6. Test the Schedule: You mentioned that you can trigger runs manually when going into "Test Schedule." This is a good sign that your schedule can generate runs, but it does not necessarily mean that the scheduler daemon will trigger them according to the schedule. Testing the schedule manually does not involve the scheduler daemon. If after checking these steps the issue persists, you may want to reach out for support with more detailed logs and configuration details. The documentation suggests reaching out in Slack or filing an issue on GitHub if you're still stuck after following the troubleshooting steps.