<@U0667DNC02Y> hello
# ask-ai
@Scout hello
Hello! How can I assist you with Dagster today? If you have any questions or need guidance on using Dagster, feel free to ask!
@Scout dbt clean --profiles-dir .\config\ -t LOCAL I want you to convert this CLI command to a Dagster DBT Resource command or a way of executing this via command line using python
To execute a dbt CLI command like
dbt clean --profiles-dir .\config\ -t LOCAL
using Dagster's
, you would define a resource in your Dagster code that specifies the
. Then, you would use the
method of the
to run the
command. Here's an example of how you might set this up in your Dagster code:
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python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource  # Define the dbt CLI resource with the specified profiles_dir and target dbt_cli_resource = DbtCliResource(     project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project",     profiles_dir="./config",     target="LOCAL" )  # Use the cli method to execute the 'dbt clean' command result = dbt_cli_resource.cli(["clean"])
Please note that the
should be set to the path where your
file is located. The
is set to
to match the
flag in your original command, and the
is set to
to match the
flag. If you want to execute this from the command line using Python, you could wrap this in a Python script and then run the script from the command line. Here's an example script:
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python # dbt_clean.py from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource  def run_dbt_clean():     dbt_cli_resource = DbtCliResource(         project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project",         profiles_dir="./config",         target="LOCAL"     )     result = dbt_cli_resource.cli(["clean"])     print(result)  if __name__ == "__main__":     run_dbt_clean()
You would then execute this script from the command line like so:
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shell python dbt_clean.py
Make sure to adjust the paths to match your actual project directory and configuration directory.
@Scout Where should I put this so when Dagster initializes it will be executed?
In Dagster, resources are typically initialized as part of a job's execution context and are not meant to be run during the Dagster system's initialization. However, if you want to ensure that a dbt command is run as part of a job, you would define a resource in your job and then use that resource within a solid that is part of the job's execution plan. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up a Dagster job that uses a
to run the
dbt clean
command: 1. Define the
in your Dagster repository configuration. 2. Create a solid that uses the
to run the
dbt clean
command. 3. Include the solid in a job definition. 4. Execute the job to run the
dbt clean
command. Here's an example of how you might set this up:
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python from dagster import job, op, resource from dagster_dbt import dbt_cli_resource  # Define a resource that configures the DbtCliResource @resource(config_schema={"project_dir": str, "profiles_dir": str, "target": str}) def my_dbt_cli_resource(context):     return dbt_cli_resource.configured({         "project_dir": context.resource_config["project_dir"],         "profiles_dir": context.resource_config["profiles_dir"],         "target": context.resource_config["target"],     })  # Define an op that uses the DbtCliResource to run the 'dbt clean' command @op(required_resource_keys={"dbt_cli"}) def dbt_clean_op(context):     context.resources.dbt_cli.cli(["clean"])  # Define a job that includes the dbt_clean_op and the my_dbt_cli_resource @job(resource_defs={"dbt_cli": my_dbt_cli_resource}) def my_dbt_job():     dbt_clean_op()  # When you want to execute the job, you can do so with the following command: # dagit -f my_dagster_code.py # Or, if you prefer to execute it from the command line without Dagit: # dagster job execute -f my_dagster_code.py -j my_dbt_job
In this example,
is the name of the Python file containing your job and resource definitions. You would replace the
, and
in the
definition with the actual values for your dbt project. To execute the job, you can use Dagit, which is Dagster's web interface, or you can execute the job from the command line using the
dagster job execute
command as shown in the comments. Remember to adjust the paths and names to fit your specific project structure and naming conventions.