Why the tag `MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS_TAG` doesnt wor...
# ask-ai
Why the tag
doesnt work when im using the following code snippet:
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def elt_job():
is used to set a timeout on a per-run basis, and if a run exceeds this timeout, it will be marked as failed, provided that run monitoring is enabled. However, the documentation does not provide a specific example of setting the
directly on a
decorator like in your code snippet. The correct usage of
as per the documentation is to set it in the
argument of a
decorator or when defining an asset job. Here is an example from the documentation:
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python from dagster import MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS_TAG, job  @job(tags={MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS_TAG: 10}) def my_job():     ...
In this example, the
is set to 10 seconds. If your job is supposed to run with a timeout of 3 seconds, you would set the tag like this:
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python from dagster import MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS_TAG, job  @job(tags={MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS_TAG: 3}) def elt_job():     sql_ingestion()
Please ensure that you have imported
and that run monitoring is enabled in your Dagster instance to enforce the timeout. If you have followed these steps and the tag is still not working, it could be due to a misconfiguration or an issue that is not covered in the documentation. In such cases, it's recommended to check for any relevant issues on the Dagster GitHub or seek further assistance from the Dagster community.
max_runtime is being imported from dagster
@Scout max_runtime is being imported from dagster and is excatly what you send me
I apologize for the confusion. It seems there might be a misunderstanding or an issue with the usage of
. If you have correctly imported
and are using it as shown in the documentation, but it's still not working as expected, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue: 1. Check Dagster Version: Ensure that you are using a version of Dagster that supports the
feature. This feature may not be available or may work differently in older versions of Dagster. 2. Run Monitoring Configuration: Verify that run monitoring is properly configured and enabled in your Dagster instance. The
will only work if run monitoring is active. 3. Dagster Instance Configuration: Check your Dagster instance configuration to ensure that there are no conflicting settings that might be overriding or affecting the behavior of the
. 4. Review Execution Logs: Look at the execution logs for the job to see if there are any errors or warnings related to the timeout setting. 5. Check for Open Issues: Look for any open issues on the Dagster GitHub repository that might be related to the
not working as expected. 6. Seek Community Help: If you're still unable to resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the Dagster community for help. You can create a discussion or issue on the Dagster GitHub repository or ask for assistance in the Dagster Slack community. If you provide more details about the Dagster version you're using, the configuration of your Dagster instance, and any relevant logs or error messages, I may be able to offer more specific advice.
@Scout how to check if run monitoring is activ
To check if run monitoring is active in your Dagster instance, you should look at the configuration of your Dagster deployment. Run monitoring is handled by the run monitoring daemon, which is one of the components of the Dagster system. Here are the steps to verify if run monitoring is enabled: 1. Check the
Configuration File
: The configuration for run monitoring is typically specified in the
file, which is the configuration file for your Dagster instance. Look for the
section in this file to see if it is configured. 2. Dagster Daemon Status: The run monitoring daemon is part of the
process. You can check the status of the
process in the Dagster UI to ensure that it is running. To do this: - In the top navigation, click Deployment. - Click the Daemons tab. - This tab displays information about all the daemons currently configured on your instance. Look for the run monitoring daemon and check if it shows a recent heartbeat. 3. Check the Logs: Review the logs from your
process for any errors or messages related to run monitoring. If the daemon is not running or if there are errors, these logs may provide more information. 4. Dagster Instance API: If you have access to the Dagster Python API, you can programmatically check the status of the daemons by using the
class. For example:
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python    from dagster import DagsterInstance     instance = DagsterInstance.get()    status = instance.get_daemon_status()     if status.run_monitoring:        print("Run monitoring is active.")    else:        print("Run monitoring is not active.")
If you find that run monitoring is not active, you may need to adjust your Dagster instance configuration to enable it. The documentation provides more information on how to configure run monitoring for your specific deployment environment. If you need further assistance, consider reaching out to the Dagster community or checking the documentation for more detailed instructions.