When I try to deploy a code location on dagster cl...
# ask-ai
When I try to deploy a code location on dagster cloud I get the following error dagster_dbt.errors.DagsterDbtCliRuntimeError: The dbt CLI process with command
dbt parse
failed with exit code 2. Check the stdout in the Dagster compute logs for the full information about the error.
Based on the documentation, the
represents an error while executing a dbt CLI command. This error indicates that the dbt CLI process failed with a specific exit code, in this case, exit code 2. To troubleshoot this issue, you should check the stdout in the Dagster compute logs for more detailed information about the error. Here are some steps you can take to debug the issue: 1. Review Compute Logs: Look at the compute logs in the Dagster UI to find the stdout output from the dbt CLI process. This output may contain error messages or other clues that can help you understand why the
dbt parse
command failed. 2. Check dbt Project Configuration: Ensure that your dbt project is correctly configured and that all necessary files (such as
) are present and valid. 3. Validate dbt Installation: Make sure that dbt is properly installed in the environment where your Dagster instance is running. If you're using a containerized environment, ensure that dbt is included in the Docker image. 4. Run dbt Commands Locally: Try running the
dbt parse
command locally in the same environment as your dbt project to see if you can reproduce the error. This can help you determine if the issue is specific to the Dagster Cloud environment or if there's a problem with the dbt project itself. 5. Check for Dependencies: If your dbt project has dependencies, ensure that they are installed and accessible in the environment where the dbt CLI is running. 6. Examine Environment Variables: If your dbt project relies on environment variables, verify that they are set correctly in the Dagster Cloud environment. If you continue to experience issues after following these steps, you may want to reach out to the Dagster community or support for further assistance, providing them with the details of the error and the steps you've taken to debug it.
@Scout the dbt parse command works locally. How can I access the compute logs when the error is happening when I am trying to setup the code-location
If the
dbt parse
command works locally but you encounter issues when setting up the code location in Dagster Cloud, it suggests that there might be a discrepancy between your local environment and the Dagster Cloud environment. To access the compute logs in Dagster Cloud when setting up a code location, you can follow these steps: 1. Dagster Cloud UI: Log in to your Dagster Cloud instance and navigate to the specific job or pipeline run that failed. If the error occurred during the setup of a code location, it might not be associated with a specific run, but you can still check for any logs that might have been generated during the setup process. 2. Compute Logs: Within the run details, look for a section that contains logs or outputs. This section should include the compute logs, which will have the stdout and stderr output from the dbt CLI process. 3. Debugging Artifacts: If the standard logs do not provide enough information, you may need to look for additional debugging artifacts. These could include files generated by the dbt CLI or additional logs that Dagster captures. 4. Dagster Debug Command: If you're unable to find the logs in the UI, you can use the
dagster debug
command to export the relevant artifacts for a job, which can then be inspected using the
CLI or downloaded from the Dagster UI. 5. Check Workspace Configuration: Ensure that your workspace configuration in Dagster Cloud is correct and that it points to the right repository and code location. Any mismatch or incorrect paths could lead to issues when setting up the code location. 6. Environment Variables: Verify that all necessary environment variables are correctly set in Dagster Cloud. Missing or misconfigured environment variables can cause dbt to fail. If you still cannot access the logs or if the logs do not provide clear information about the error, consider reaching out to Dagster support with details about your setup and the steps you've taken. They may be able to provide additional guidance or help you access more detailed logging information.