is it possible to use environment variables in dag...
# ask-ai
is it possible to use environment variables in dagster.yaml and dagster_cloud.yaml?
Yes, it is possible to use environment variables in both
files. For
, environment variables can be used to parameterize your Dagster instance configuration. However, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, an issue was reported where environment variables were not being correctly interpreted for non-string types like boolean or int within
. This suggests that while environment variables can be used, there may be some constraints or bugs affecting their use in certain contexts. For
, the documentation provides an example of how to set environment variables for specific code locations by adding them to your agent's configuration in the
file. The
property in this file is used to set the variables in the agent's environment. Here is an example from the documentation:
Copy code
yaml # dagster_cloud.yaml locations:   - location_name: cloud-examples     image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest     code_source:       package_name: dagster_cloud_examples     container_context:       docker:         env_vars:           - DATABASE_NAME           - DATABASE_USERNAME=hooli_testing
In this example,
would be pulled from the local environment, and
is explicitly set to
. Remember that when setting environment variables for a full deployment in Dagster Cloud, the values will bypass Dagster Cloud entirely as they are pulled from the user cluster. When setting them on a per-code location basis, the values will pass through Dagster Cloud. Please ensure you have the necessary permissions in Dagster Cloud to set environment variables, and refer to the specific documentation for your deployment type (e.g., Amazon ECS, Docker, Kubernetes) for detailed instructions on configuring
@Scout no I meant to use env vars to set the configurations, for example, for
, I’d want that value to come from an env var, something like
image: {env.image_name}
In Dagster, you can use environment variables within your YAML configuration files by using a special syntax to reference the environment variables. This allows you to dynamically set configuration values based on the environment in which your Dagster instance or Dagster Cloud agent is running. Here's how you can reference an environment variable in your
or `dagster_cloud.yaml`:
Copy code
yaml image: {"env": "IMAGE_NAME"}
In this example,
is the name of the environment variable that contains the image name you want to use. When Dagster processes this configuration, it will substitute
{"env": "IMAGE_NAME"}
with the value of the
environment variable from the environment. This approach is useful for managing secrets and sensitive information, as well as for providing flexibility in your deployment configurations. It allows you to avoid hardcoding values and makes your configuration more portable and secure. Please note that the actual syntax for referencing environment variables may vary depending on the context within the YAML file and the specific Dagster version you are using. Always refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information on using environment variables in your configuration files.