how can i determine if a job is currently running ...
# ask-ai
how can i determine if a job is currently running in dagster for a particular code repository with api ?
To determine if a job is currently running in Dagster for a particular code repository using the API, you would typically interact with the Dagster instance through its GraphQL API. The documentation does not provide a direct code example for this specific query, but it does mention relevant APIs that can be used to interact with Dagster programmatically. Here's a general approach based on the documentation: 1. Use the
to send GraphQL queries to your Dagster instance. 2. Construct a GraphQL query that filters runs by the job name and status. For example, you might construct a query to fetch runs with a specific status (like
) for a job defined in a particular repository. The GraphQL query might look something like this:
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graphql query RunsQuery($filters: RunsFilter!) {   runs(filters: $filters) {     results {       runId       status       jobName     }   } }
And the variables for the query could be:
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json {   "filters": {     "statuses": ["STARTED"],     "jobName": "your_job_name"   } }
You would then use the
to send this query to your Dagster instance and parse the response to determine if there are any runs with the status
for the job you are interested in. Please note that the actual implementation details, such as how to instantiate the
and send the query, depend on your specific setup and the version of Dagster you are using. The documentation provides more information on how to use the GraphQL API and the
. If you need more detailed guidance on constructing the GraphQL query or using the
, you may want to refer to the Dagster GraphQL API documentation or seek examples from the Dagster community discussions or GitHub issues.
@Scout in graphql api how can i check if a job is running ?
To check if a job is running using the Dagster GraphQL API, you would typically use a query to fetch runs with statuses that indicate the job is in progress. The statuses you might be interested in are
, which represent runs that are currently executing. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can check if a job is running: 1. Set up your GraphQL client: You need to have a GraphQL client set up to interact with the Dagster GraphQL endpoint. This could be a simple HTTP client that sends a POST request with a GraphQL query, or a more sophisticated GraphQL client library. 2. Construct the GraphQL query: Write a query that requests the runs for a specific job name and filters them by the statuses that represent a running job. 3. Send the query to the Dagster GraphQL endpoint: Use your GraphQL client to send the query to your Dagster instance's GraphQL endpoint. 4. Parse the response: Check the response from the server to see if there are any runs with the status
. Here is an example GraphQL query that you could use to check for running jobs:
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graphql query RunningJobsQuery($jobName: String!) {   runsOrError(filter: {statuses: [STARTED, STARTING], jobName: $jobName}) {     __typename     ... on Runs {       results {         runId         status         jobName       }     }     ... on PythonError {       message     }   } }
And the corresponding variables for the query might look like this:
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json {   "jobName": "your_specific_job_name" }
You would replace
with the actual name of the job you want to check. After sending this query to the Dagster GraphQL endpoint, you would receive a response that includes a list of runs. If there are any runs with the status
, it means that the job is currently running. Please note that the exact field names and query structure may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using, so you should refer to the specific GraphQL schema documentation for your version of Dagster.
@Scout in graphql how can i list all repository code available ?
To list all repository code available in a Dagster instance using the GraphQL API, you can use the
query. This query will return a list of all repositories that are loaded in the Dagster instance, along with their respective locations. Here is an example GraphQL query to fetch the list of repositories:
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graphql query RepositoriesQuery {   repositoriesOrError {     __typename     ... on RepositoryConnection {       nodes {         name         location {           name         }       }     }     ... on PythonError {       message     }   } }
When you send this query to your Dagster instance's GraphQL endpoint, you will receive a response that includes a list of repositories. Each repository will have a
and a
which includes the name of the repository location where the repository is loaded. Please ensure that you have the appropriate permissions and that your Dagster instance is properly configured to serve the GraphQL API. The structure of the response and the exact query fields may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using, so it's important to consult the GraphQL schema documentation for your specific version of Dagster.
@Scout can you rewrite the query to retrieve the count of repository instead o the whole list ?
The GraphQL schema provided by Dagster does not include a direct way to retrieve the count of repositories as a single field. GraphQL itself does not provide a built-in method for counting items; instead, it returns the items themselves, and the client would typically count the number of items in the returned list. However, you can still retrieve the list of repositories and then count them on the client side. Here's the query to retrieve the list of repositories:
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graphql query RepositoriesQuery {   repositoriesOrError {     __typename     ... on RepositoryConnection {       nodes {         name       }     }     ... on PythonError {       message     }   } }
After executing this query, you would count the number of items in the
array in your client application to determine the number of repositories. If you need the count to be performed server-side, you would likely need to implement a custom GraphQL resolver on the server that returns the count of repositories. This would involve modifying the Dagster GraphQL schema and adding a resolver function that performs the count operation, which is beyond the scope of the standard Dagster GraphQL API.