can you give me an example of job tags to specify ...
# ask-ai
can you give me an example of job tags to specify 2 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory on ECS?
Certainly! To specify 2 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory for a job running on ECS, you can use job tags in your Dagster job definition. Here's an example based on the documentation:
Copy code
python from dagster import job, op  @op() def my_op(context):     <|>('running')  @job(     tags={         "ecs/cpu": "2048",  # 2 vCPUs, where 1024 CPU units = 1 vCPU         "ecs/memory": "16384",  # 16 GB of memory, specified in MiB     } ) def my_job():     my_op()
In this example, the
tag is set to
to represent 2 vCPUs (since 1 vCPU is 1024 CPU units in ECS), and the
tag is set to
to represent 16 GB of memory, specified in MiB (since 1 GiB is 1024 MiB). These tags will instruct ECS to allocate the specified amount of CPU and memory resources for every run of the