how to define a job that select all assets, takes ...
# ask-ai
how to define a job that select all assets, takes a config and forward that config to one of the assets?
To define a job that selects all assets, takes a config, and forwards that config to one of the assets, you can follow these steps based on the documentation: 1. Define your assets using the
decorator. If you have an asset that requires a specific configuration, you can define a config schema for that asset. 2. Use the
function to create a job that targets all assets. By default,
without a selection argument will target all assets in the code location. 3. To forward the config to a specific asset, you can use the
parameter within the asset definition to access the run configuration provided at runtime. Here is an example that illustrates these steps:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, Field, ConfigMapping  # Define an asset that requires configuration @asset(config_schema={"param": Field(str)}) def asset_requires_config(context):     # Access the config provided at runtime     param_value = context.op_config["param"]     # Your asset logic here     ...  # Define other assets @asset def another_asset():     # Your asset logic here     ...  # Define a job that targets all assets all_assets_job = define_asset_job(     name="all_assets_job",     config={         "ops": {             "asset_requires_config": {                 "config": {                     "param": "value_to_forward"                 }             }         }     } )  # Include the job in your repository
In this example,
is an asset that requires a configuration parameter
. The
is defined to target all assets, and it includes a run configuration that specifies the value for
that should be forwarded to
. Please note that the
parameter in
is used to provide a default run configuration for the job. This configuration will be viewable and editable in the Dagster UI. Be careful with secrets since they will be exposed in the UI. Keep in mind that the exact syntax and structure may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using and the specific requirements of your assets and job. Always refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.