how do I create a job from a graph without using ....
# ask-ai
how do I create a job from a graph without using .to_job?
Based on the documentation, the primary way to create a job from a graph is by using the
method. This method allows you to convert a graph into an executable job by providing the necessary components required for execution, such as resources, configuration, and other environment-specific features. Here is an example from the documentation:
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python @graph def my_graph():     ...  my_job = my_graph.to_job()
If you are looking for an alternative way to create a job from a graph without directly using
, you might consider using the
decorator. You can define a job that includes the graph within its body. Here's an example:
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python @graph def my_graph():     ...  @job def my_job():     my_graph()
In this case, the
decorator is used to define a job that includes the invocation of the graph. This is effectively another way to create a job from a graph, but it still relies on the graph being defined and then invoked within the job. If you have a specific use case or constraint that prevents you from using
or the
decorator, please provide more details so that I can better assist you.